Friday, February 25, 2011

Winter of the Soul

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5

      My husband thought the new picture I put on my blog header was too dead looking. I pondered for a moment to consider his opinion. Then I answered him back, "It's not dead, it's winter." Sometimes winter causes things to look dead, but really, they're only sleeping. They are taking a rest from their labor, in preparation for the work ahead. The grape vine I chose for my blog header is not dead. Right now it has buds just ready to burst forth with life. It's waiting for the "go ahead," for that appointed time when the work begins again. When each branch in the vine will send forth its little branches and leaves, and fruit.

      Sometimes in life we go through periods similar to winter, perhaps a winter of the soul. When we're dormant in our activities, and it feels like we aren't growing. Perhaps something happened to us that caused us to be put out of commission temporarily, or slowed down. We may feel a little bit dead, or useless, but in reality God has brought us to a state of waiting...resting...and being still. Just like the grapevine, there is work ahead of us and we are being prepared for it.

      It can be a time of growing on the inside, in the hidden places of the heart. A time of trusting God and His plans for our lives, knowing that He is doing a work in us that will burst forth with life, like new leaves on the vine. As we draw closer to Him, and seek His face (being still and knowing He is God), His work in us will grow and mature, and bring forth fruit.

      The picture of the bare vine may look sad to you, but to me it is a reminder of the promises and goodness of God. Because year after year I've seen what He has done through the vine. He has always been faithful to bring the leaves of spring after the cold barren winter, followed by summer's abundance of fruit as His many blessings overflow into the baskets of autumn.

      Just as we can count on the seasons changing every year, we can also count on the faithfulness of God to bring us through those quiet times of waiting on Him. New buds will soon appear on the branches of our lives and God’s goodness will burst forth with spring blossoms; replacing our winter of the soul.


  1. Oh, I like this Charlotte! Great imagery, great analogy. I can recall many "winters" in my life. Under the surface of my circumstances, God was at work... helping me to grow in new ways.

  2. your post is one of hope...that even though the dark does the Light. thank you.

  3. I love the analogy. There are definitely seasons of life for people as there are for plants. I've always been amazed how some animals can hybernate all winter and wake up in the spring. I think the picture describes it quite well.

  4. I am a new follower from Spiritual Sundays. I think your picture of the bare vine is exquisite, and I love what you wrote to go with it. Yes, we do go through seasons and God works in every season.

  5. Beautiful post…Isn’t God just AMAZING!?

  6. You reminded me this morning why I love the winter months and looking out onto a bare garden because of the 'Hope' that in spring all that appears 'dead' will flourish as my garden is currently doing right now..

  7. Beautiful analogy. I have a tendency to dread winter. In fact, I think I'd be happy to skip it altogether. The winters of the soul are times of dread, too. But this post shows an excitement of those times because it is during the winter we anticipte the spring. I'm so glad you wrote this post. May it touch others as it has touched me.

  8. Great insight here. I love it! I also like the picture. However, I do understand why your husband said what he did about it. You wrote good "stuff" in this post and it gives us hope. Thank you.

  9. That is beautiful, what a wonderful analogy. Very well written. Thanks for needed encouragement.

  10. Hi Charlotte,

    Thank you for sharing this topic on the changing seasons in our life. As I read this, I thought about the words, Great is Thy faithfulness O Lord.

    Blessings and peace.


  11. Charlotte,
    Hi! You picked one of my favorite verses - Esther 4:14. I think a mandatory retirement from nursing due to some health challenges has been my "winter of the soul" and I resisted it badly. I am learning instead to embrace it - edited and republished a book, and am doing some more writing. Thanks for sharing!

  12. growing on the inside, in the hidden places of the that

  13. Dear Charlotte,

    What a beautiful post - and what a beautiful blog you have! I've been reading thru all of your current posts this morning - I love them all - but this one especially spoke to me. I found you through Spiritual Sundays and am now following you. I hope you'll join me at Create With Joy!

    Have a very blessed Easter and I truly look forward to getting to know you and reading more of your devotions!



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