Monday, November 2, 2009

What Time is It?

This blog is named “For Such a Time as This” for a reason. I began it shortly after doing the Esther bible study at my church. I was so impressed by what I learned in the study that I felt compelled to do something to share my Christian faith with others.

For several years I have written poetry to express my beliefs and share them with others, but I never knew exactly what I was supposed to do with the poems or who I was to share them with. The one thing I did know, especially after doing the Esther study, is that God has put me here on this earth at this specific time to do something for Him…for such a time as this.

What kind of time is this? What is He calling me to do in these days, at this spot on His time-line in history? When I look around I see a lot of things He may be calling me to do. Things are happening that will be logged in history books for my children’s children to read when I am long gone. Just like Esther, some of the things happening today are being done for the destruction of my people. And just like Esther I am left with a decision to speak or to remain quiet.

Esther chose to speak, yet she didn’t run into the king’s presence the moment she heard of the evil plans set against her people. Instead, she asked everyone around her, and all her people to fast and pray with her. Her pleas came before the ear of God long before they came before the ear of the king. She knew where her help came from so she went straight to the source.

God had been working all along. He had been carrying out His plans, and in obedience, Esther joined Him. She became a part of what God was already doing. That is what I would like to do in this period of time God has placed me. I would like to join in the work He is already doing, to say yes to His calling, whatever that may be.

Esther spent a lot of time contemplating what she would say to the king and how she would say it. She was aware of the fact that the best time to speak was in God’s timing, not her own. He set the stage and brought in all the characters just at the right time for everything to play out as He knew it would. Esther didn’t have to say much, just a few simple facts, the rest spoke for itself. Before the day was over, everything was turned around and those who planned destruction were destroyed. Every evil thing planned in secret was revealed in the light of truth.

So what was Esther’s role in it all? I think it was to be obedient to God. He didn’t need her to accomplish His will, but He chose to make her a part of it. He gave her the opportunity to experience His power in her life. He gave her the opportunity to join in His work and to say yes. I think that is what He wants me to do, to just say yes to Him. Whatever He asks me to do, I know He can do it without me, but He is giving me the opportunity to join in His work and experience His presence and power in my life. Why? Because He loves me!

He loves you too!

What is He calling each of us to do? How will we be a part of His plans…for such a time as this?

Such A Time As This

By Charlotte Foster

As His royal daughters,
He placed us here today.
To be a light of hope,
In a world that’s gone astray.

Not to hide in silence,
Secluded from the crowd.
But out among the people,
Wearing faith out loud.

He’s promised us His presence,
No matter where we go.
His Spirit dwells within us,
His power ours to know.

His Truth in us stands ready,
To counter every lie.
The destroyer has been preaching,
To the people passing by.

We hold in us the answers,
Asked by dying men.
And knowledge of the only One,
Who saves the world from sin.

Will we embrace our destiny,
Or His calling will we miss?
Let’s have no doubt He’s chosen us,
For such a time as this!

(“And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14)


  1. Charlotte,

    I don't think I told you, but I read this very poem at the end of my presentation in Florida. The women LOVED it.

    God is DEFINITELY using you for such a time as this.

    Hugging you in my heart!

  2. Charlotte....I love the poem and your post. Yep. Such a time as this. God has put us here NOW, for His purposes. And your insight into how Esther accomplished her goal and her sensitivity to the timing of it is true wisdom. Beautiful.

    Thanks so much for dropping in and taking the time to leave a comment.

    Many blessings to you!

  3. This is a beautiful poem and certainly makes one think!
    Our Heavenly Father's timing is always perfect. We are meant to be here right now and if we will only listen for His instruction and follow through we will fulfill our mission.

  4. Don't stop believing in how God has led you, Charlotte--in your writing, and in everything. I know how often the doubts can come, but don't listen to them! In the Garden the serpent came to Eve with this question: "Did God really say?" Often I hear similar words whispered to me, but I've learned my best defense is to simply state the truth: "Yes! I know what He has said to me!" And I know you can say the same. In reading this, I almost felt like I had written it :) Very well said, sister.


...Please leave a comment so I know you visited! Thanks - Charlotte