Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Planted-for His Glory

Right after I posted "Yanked Out!" I came across this in my devotional- My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers:

          "Notice God's unutterable waste of saints, according to the judgment of the world. God plants His saints in the most useless places. We say-God intends me to be here because I am so useful. Jesus never estimated His life along the line of the greatest use. God puts His saints where they will glorify Him, and we are no judges at all of where that is."

I cracked-up when I read this because it reminded me that I know nothing (which shouldn't be funny)...but really, it is very sobering!


  1. And isn't it somehow comforting that we know nothing? I mean, he doesn't want us to do it within our wisdom. He will handle it all!

    Have a wonderful week.

  2. Good morning! I answered your question in my comments. Kristin has changed from 'blog-bud' to real life friend and I was happy to answer a question about her. She is a published photographer and her work is fabulous. Stop by and visit her sometimes. She's a cool lady.

    I hope today is kind to you and that tomorrow is even kinder.

  3. On a daily basis I am reminded that I have a lot to learn. It is sobering, isn't it. :)

    Jennifer and I will just dominate your comments, it seems. I wanted to send a reply via email, but you don't have that enabled. Jennifer is so kind. :) She's pretty cool herself! It's pretty neat having a cheerleader in my corner.

    The birds in the photo, over at my place, are looking at the water. :)

  4. I'm with you...I have a ton to learn...sometimes I think I know it all...and then I'm reminded...the truth...I know so little.

  5. Every time I relied in my own understanding I have a sobering experiences.Showing me to seek and learn from Him first.
    Joy & Blessings,

  6. Perhaps God's way of keeping us humble!

    Linda J

  7. Planted for His glory, with a lot to learn. Man, can I ever relate to this post!

  8. There are many wonderful videos out there, but in my opinion this is the best. I have seen it many times and was happy to watch it again. I wish everyone in the world could see it. I'm glad you shared it here.

  9. Wow! This is an incredible post and the same thing happened to me a few years ago. It does NOT pay to plant yourself. smile

    And I love Oswald Chambers. It's like God puts a punctuation mark on everything He says to me through Chambers. Thank you.

  10. God has a way with timing, huh? :-) I guess it just shows analogies can be used in a variety of ways. Both of your posts are applicable.

  11. And now I have cracked up too...thank you! I have so much to learn!

  12. Yes, we are nothing without God....always more to learn...Amen.

  13. :) Loved the words of encouragement AND your post about them. A sweet smile and delightful Spiritual Sunday. Thank you :)

  14. Can you just imagine how much we will learn when we are with our almighty God.


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