Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Spring Cleaning

Create in me a clean heart, O God;
and renew a right spirit within me.
Psalms 51:10

      A popular method of cleaning house is to start with the areas people see first when entering your home. So I begin at the porch and then the entry way; moving from one room to the next. I usually leave the unseen areas like the closets and cupboards for the very last; many times not getting to them regularly at all. They are the places I cram and squeeze every item that doesn’t have a place of its own. It’s where I put the things I don’t necessarily want visitors to see; the unsightly things.

      It occurred to me today, as I was thinking about this (while cleaning of course) that God cleans house (spiritually) the opposite of this method. He isn’t as concerned about the areas people can see, He goes straight for the things hidden in the closet! He throws the door wide open and exposes them all, discards many into the trash, and puts the rest in order.

      I remember in one of Kay Arthur’s bible studies, she referred to a time when she had a group of ladies over and said to them, “Open the drawers- look around, this is who I am. What you see is what you get!” What I believe she was saying was, “I have nothing hidden in my life that I have not asked God to put in order.” Now that’s the way to live!

      I hope I will be brave enough to open the drawers of my life fully to Him and accept His order. As I finish cleaning my house, I pray that God will be at work with His spring cleaning in my heart; getting rid of the things I’ve hidden in the closets.


  1. Charlotte, your blog is more beautiful each time I stop by. LOVE "His Princess Warriors" too. I recognized Daffodil Hill...we missed it by a few days this year :O(

    Your writing gets better every time I visit. If you're interested in writing monthly articles for Laced With Grace, I could put in a good word for ya! God Bless You friend.

  2. Very thought provoking! And one of my favorite Bible verses for praying Scripture. Years ago a pastor suggested we use several verses from that Psalm to help us prepare our hearts before communion and I still often do that today. A sweet memory! :) Thank you :)

  3. I like this...and as I do some spring cleaning I'm going to think about that scripture...Create in me a clean heart...I want that so much so He can shine through

  4. WOW! That is brave. I love your analogy on cleaning house. What an enjoyable post to read today.
    God Bless,

  5. Oh, I love this. I need a little spring cleaning of both types
    (my heart and my house!).

  6. Thank you so much for sharing this!

  7. Loved your analogy. Thank you for sharing

  8. This is so interesting. I had never thought about it this way before. Thank you for this insight.

  9. Thank you for this thoughtful've given me some things to ponder. I hope you are having a lovely Sunday!

  10. What a beautiful blog...and post too. Very insightful for me right now. I love the title of your blog..

  11. Marvelous illustration with a great message. Thank you.

  12. Yikes!! What a thought. Now I will be taking a good look at myself. I know what my drawers look like and sure hope that isn't what the Lord sees in me!

  13. Seems like I keep a lot of junk drawers, literally and spiritually. This was a great post - it really made me think.


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