Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christ is Christmas

His Name is Jesus

By Charlotte Foster

May Christmas time be filled with Him,
The one who came to heal our sin.

The child laid within the manger,
One whom angels hid from danger.

Though in a wooden stable bed,
He wore God’s crown upon His head.

The babe who came to be our king,
To Him heavenly anthems ring.

Prince of Peace quietly laying,
People all around were praying-

To send His Light, and God had heard,
In manger laid the Living Word.

 The Father's Son, the Lord of Hosts,
The very one He loved the most.

He came a ransom for our sin,
To heal the broken hearts of men.

This Holy One, the Great I Am,
To be the sacrificial Lamb.

And as He slept that Christmas day,
In shadow of the cross He lay.

So as we give our gifts of love,
Remember the child from above.

And give Him praise for all He’s done,
The King of Kings, God’s only son.

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