Friday, August 31, 2012

Morning Glory

(It just so happens that my Morning Glories are blooming!)  
Cause me to hear Your loving kindness in the morning, For in You do I trust; Cause me to know the way in which I should walk, For I lift up my soul to You.
Psalm 143:8

      There is a revealing of God’s glory in the morning that is different than any other time of day. It’s in the morning that the first fruits of the day are brought to the altar and sacrificed. It’s there we meet Him at the door of time and take His hand to enter into new opportunities and receive strength to stand in old trials. In the morning hours of a new day is where new chances are born, where the dark turns to light, and we awaken to the dawning of renewed hopes and dreams. At that moment when the sun peeks up from the horizon – darkness flees the day and God’s good plans spread out their rays across the paths of men.

      In the cool of the day is where Adam and Eve walked with God…before the heat…before the sin. They came naked with only their childlike hearts, and He spoke with them there. Something has been lost in the hours between the dawn and when we finally make time for Him. The grains of sand pouring from the hour glass of time are subject to the gravity that pulls them into motion. God’s plans tick away, minute and hour hand circling the face of the clock as it moves forward, like the earth rounding the sun.

      My soul yearns to meet Him there, in the cool of the day, but my flesh is weak. The two wrestle and I am torn. But on those days when my heart wins and I come, though dragging a weak and tired body – a pitiful sacrifice to lay before Him – I find He is there waiting for me. He accepts my meager offering and envelops it in His glory…His radiance, and I realize He has allowed me to be a witness and receive something from Him that I could never give – I see His morning glory…the first glimpse of Him to touch the day, and it remains lighter and brighter than if I had not gotten up to meet Him.

 How about you? Are you seeing His morning glory?


  1. What a beautiful reminder of resting in God's presence. I recently began walking in the morning instead of going to the gym. I talk a lot to God during my walk. I return home very refreshed spiritually. (Visiting from Faith Filled Friday linkup.)

  2. Beautiful thoughts, Charlotte. Love the reference to morning glory and the picture of the morning glories is perfect.

  3. This is a beautiful post. Thanks so much for sharing it. Yes I meet with Him in the morning and thank him for another day to learn more about Him, so serve and worship.
    I love morning glory's too. Isn't it interesting how it looks like the light is shining through the center?


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